![Sasthamandal [ID : 1067]](/site/assets/files/1067/tsm-05-v1.0x300.jpg)
To build within the mind of man the empire that abides the empire of Lord Ayyappa – the empire in which every heart and brain shall throb the pulse of universal fraternity. It is towards this avowed objective that we strive to move, day in and day out and while doing so, we solicit whole-hearted support and guidance of all devotees
With the blessing of Lord Ayyappa, the long desired and cherished dream of every Ayyappa devotee of Anushaktinagar got fulfilled with the construction of the Ayyappa Temple in the year 1992. Ever since then, there has been no looking back and the mandal has grown from strength to strength due to the untiring efforts of its members and the unstinted and unconditional cooperation of the residents of Anushaktinagar
Trombay SasthaMandal Website was further developed fantastically by Shri. K SURESH NAIR. He has done a marvelous job.
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